Web3 Development Fund

Innovative solution for weed control on organic farms based on blockchain and AI


We interviewed Marko Sever from AGRIBlock, one of the Blank Web3 Development Fund winners that aims to make a global impact with their Web3 project. Read the full interview here!

With a mission to build a better, decentralized tomorrow, we have launched Blank Web3 Development Fund, a program that helps Web3 start-ups in the early stages of project development and offers them funding in the form of software development credits.

Now it's time to meet our winners a little better, so we talked with Marko Sever from AGRIBlock to gain more insight about their start-up. Here’s their story!

About AGRIBlock

First, we wanted to get an overview of this project and their motivation to seek funding from our Program. Marko let us in on their process and what stage of development they’re currently in. He was happy to share their idea with us and how they envision AGRIBlock making an impact on the Web3 ecosystem.


Q1: Can you provide us with an overview of AGRIBlock and the core idea behind your project?

Marko: Sure, AGRIBlock was created based on a problem with maintaining weed control on an organic vegetable farm. It is crucial to have mechanical removal of the weeds, as any other options are not manageable or allowed. The second problem arose that there is a lack of labor who wants to work physical jobs on farms. So, a team was created to try to figure out how to have an unmanned vehicle, that needs to be autonomous, and to help farmers control and remove weeds. AGRIBlock is all about autonomous control of weeds.

Q2: What motivated you to apply for the Blank Web3 Development Fund?

Marko: Motivation was there just because we saw that from the removal of the weeds on farms, we could also autonomously collect different data from the fields. The idea was created to use blockchain technology to enable the data to be true and that nobody can temper with the data, so the end customer can be fully secure about what they are buying and eating.

As we do not have the internal expertise to build a POC based on blockchain technology we started to think about applying for the Blank Web3 Development Fund. The idea is to help us showcase the possibility of the technology, create viable POC, and start expanding what other data formats we could collect and utilize in our AGRIBlock solution.

Q4: What specific problem or need does your project address in the Web3 space?

Marko: We want to address collecting data from production on farms, specifically focused on vegetable and fruit production, so we could enable end consumers to be fully secure and safe about the quality of the production, and what they eat on a regular basis.

Q5: What stage of development is your project currently in, and what milestones have you achieved so far?

Marko: We managed to build four prototypes of AGRIBlock unmanned vehicles and now we are testing the products on several farms. Also, our next step in development is enabling full autonomous functionalities of our solution. During this phase, we want to test the Web3 solution in data collection and distribution.

Q6: How do you envision your project making an impact or contributing to the Web3 ecosystem?

Marko: We see it as a global impact. We see our solutions completely removing people from collecting data from fields and enabling farmers to focus on their primary work, which is food production, and leaving data collection and paperwork to AGRIBlock. Also, we see a change in consumer behavior where the consumer will only buy food that is completely transparent in production, and they are completely aware of all processes that their everyday food goes through. Also, it is all about consumers being confident of the quality of food production processes.

About Web3 startups

In the second part of the interview, we wanted to dig deeper into the topic of Web3 solutions and projects. This evolving ecosystem changes by the day and start-ups need to be one step ahead for their ideas to reach their full potential. So, let’s hear Marko’s stance on what successful projects look like and his advice to all entrepreneurs and future applicants of the Blank Web3 Development Fund.

Q7: In your opinion, what are the most essential elements for success for new start-ups?

Marko: Team. The quality of the team is the most important and essential element for the success, of any type of company. If there is a team that is focused on the same goals and is putting all its effort into achieving those goals, it cannot fail.

Q8: According to you, what type of projects have the greatest potential to grow and become industry disruptors?

Marko: Well, ours. And we truly believe it. We think that small autonomous vehicles in food production will completely change the way people grow food, think about food production, and are confident and secure in all phases of food production.

Q9: What advice can you give to future applicants for the Blank Web3 Development Fund?

Marko: Just apply. Do not fear that your idea is not good enough but think about real-life implications and implementations. Technology is not its main purpose but helping people and organizations to easily do their job. If technology is complicating business processes, then maybe the solution needs to be simplified, easy to use, and understandable.

What’s next for Blank Web3 Development Fund?

Even though applications are currently closed, this is only the beginning and we will continue to help Web3 start-ups launch their projects. To get notified about the next phases of Blank Web3 Development Fund, please follow our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter. In the meantime, learn more about the Program on our website.

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